Chameleon Care Guide


Learn how to keep your chameleon healthy and happy.



Over 90% of pet chameleons die within the first week of owning, unfortunately. This is due to two main factors:

  1. Buying a chameleon that is already not healthy and weak – if you are unable to spot the 12 signs that indicate that a chameleon is not healthy, then it is likely that you will not make the best choice when selecting your chameleon.
  2. Not being prepared for what keeping a chameleon entails or neglecting any of the 13 conditions that are required for a healthy chameleon.

If you rely on whoever is selling you the chameleons for information about their care, I’m sorry to say that most pet shop owners (yes, even those ‘specializing’ in reptiles) have NO CLUE when it comes to keeping and breeding chameleons.

If you read this guide, I GUARANTEE you that you’ll know more than the vast majority of pet shop keepers out there! Plus, you’ll save much, much more than the small price of this eBook just from the tips contained in buying a chameleon and creating a chameleon habitat section alone!

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