30 Day Trading Transformation


A self coaching program to create a better trading plan.



30 Days Trading Transformation (also known as 30 DTT) is an intensive, action-driven character transformation program which helps you become a better TRADER in just 30 days..

30DTT is jam-packed with 30 intensive lessons and highly effective tasks to be completed each day, from eliciting your dreams, challenging your goals, understanding your Values, applying Belief Cycles, unfolding your Beliefs (self, market and system), creating routines and lifestyles, breaking down and re-building your trading system, calibrating your emotions, and many more.

Each task has been specially created and designed to search for solutions deep within yourself to aid you in maturing into a better trader.

At the end of the program, you will emerge with clearer and stronger focus in what you want to gain from trading, and knowing how to get there. With a stronger conviction, you take BIGGER ACTION that works.

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