1000 Questions for Couples


What you absolutely must know about the one you’re with. Life changing



You absolutely must know about your relationship – test your compatibility and grow deeper in love. For those dating, married, or even in a long-distance relationship.

What is “Questions for Couples”?
“Questions for Couples” is a comprehensive guide designed to help couples deepen their connection and improve communication through a series of 1000 questions.

Who created the guide?
The guide was created by Michael Webb, a relationship expert known for his books and advice on strengthening romantic relationships.

1000 Questions for Couples ebook

What types of questions are included?
The questions cover a wide range of topics, including daily life, past experiences, dreams, and future plans, all aimed at fostering intimacy and understanding.

How can the guide benefit couples?
By providing thought-provoking questions, the guide encourages open and meaningful conversations, helping couples learn more about each other and strengthen their bond.

Is there any additional content offered?
Yes, the guide includes bonus materials such as activities and tips for maintaining a healthy relationship.

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